Breaking into tech at graduate level

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Perhaps you now hope to switch to the software field, but have little to no background in computer science. Fear not - even if you didn’t major in computer science as an undergraduate student, it is not too late. Indeed, with the field of computer science growing as rapidly as it has the past decade or so, now is the perfect time to make the switch!

2023 US Liberal Arts College Rankings

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US Liberal Arts College Rankings Table will help you by showing you the top US Liberal Arts College ranked by U.S. News Best National Liberal Arts College Rankings. Read on. 

2023 UK University Rankings

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Knowing how best to choose your future university can be tough. Our UK University Rankings Table can help you by showing you the top UK universities ranked by Times & Sunday Times Good University Guide and QS World University Rankings. Let's have a look at the table and get some ideas about the options!

2023 US University Rankings

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With US university application season quickly approaching, it’s the right time for parents and students to start putting together the list of schools to which they plan to apply. Let us share the latest US university rankings and have a glance at the options!

Is a Liberal Arts College education right for you?

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Applicants to universities, especially in the USA, may sometimes encounter the term “Liberal Arts College” in reference to certain schools. In this blog, we’ll explore what a Liberal Arts College (LAC) is, how the education at these schools differs from those at other universities, the pros and cons of LACs, and whether an LAC might be good for you or your child.

Personal Statement Dos & Don’ts

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Most 2023 UK University Applicants are refining their personal statements to complete their university applications. Our professional admission consultants have worked out the below Dos and Don'ts to navigate students through this crucial step in the application process. 

The Imperial Experience

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When I was 18, I was very fortunate to attend one of the world’s finest universities, especially for science, engineering and medicine, Imperial College London. Situated in South Kensington, Imperial is surrounded by cultural centers: Natural History Museum, Science Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum and the Royal Albert Hall.

Here’s how top US boarding schools get you into the Ivy League

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Amid intense competition for places at Ivy League schools, there are certain boarding schools that still reliably send 10+ students every year to household names like Harvard, MIT, Yale, and Princeton. Wow! How do Phillips Academy Andover, Phillips Exeter Academy, and others do this?? Read on.

Crafting a Winning MCIT Personal Statement (2)

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When you apply to a graduate program, whether MCIT  (Master of Computer and Information Technology) or elsewhere, the person reading your essay is literally on the admissions committee of that program and is likely more familiar with it than anyone else on the planet. Not only do they not need to be taught what it entails (because they already know rather well), but doing so takes the essay away from talking about you, which is what we want.

Crafting a Winning MCIT Personal Statement (1)

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In very few places is talking exclusively about yourself for an extended period of time a welcome practice, but your personal statement is one of them. The entire purpose of the personal statement is to show the admissions committee who you are as a person - your background, your motivations, and your professional goals - in ways that cannot be conveyed on your transcript or resume. At the same time, you must also tell the reader why this program specifically is the right fit for you. To do so, it is necessary to understand the program’s offerings.

4 Study Tips for IB English Language & Literature (2)

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Worried about what’s coming when you finally enter IB English Language and Literature? Well, here are the 4 expert tips that can help you in your preparation and ease your mind.

4 Study Tips for IB English Language & Literature (1)

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Worried about what’s coming when you finally enter IB English Language and Literature? Well, here are the 4 expert tips that can help you in your preparation and ease your mind.
