6 Steps to Planning an Effective Essay Response

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Argumentative or persuasive essay writing is not just a useful writing skill but a necessary part of both the IGCSE and IB MYP curricula. For those not confident in essay-writing, it is important to have a clear approach to writing and organising your thoughts before you begin. Read on...

Decoding The New IB Physics Syllabus

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What especially stands out about the IB Diploma is the constant level of research educators do to update the syllabus based on the feedback provided by teachers and undergraduate university providers. This has resulted in quite a few large changes to the Physics course, in line with the changes to the other science courses of Biology and Chemistry. Read on...

Recent Changes in IB Science Subjects: A Comprehensive Overview of Content and Exam Style for First Assessments in 2025

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In this article, we will discuss the recent changes to the IB science subjects, with specific focus on content and exam style. We will provide a general overview of the modifications and then delve deeper into the changes within Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Read on!

4 Study Tips for IB English Language & Literature (2)

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Worried about what’s coming when you finally enter IB English Language and Literature? Well, here are the 4 expert tips that can help you in your preparation and ease your mind.

4 Study Tips for IB English Language & Literature (1)

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Worried about what’s coming when you finally enter IB English Language and Literature? Well, here are the 4 expert tips that can help you in your preparation and ease your mind.

Going to Venus


The 2020s will see humans once again becoming a space-faring species. Yet, whilst here is a lot of interest in humans going to Mars or returning to the Moon, we should not ignore our study of Venus just because humans won't be visiting the planet.

5 Simple Steps to Surviving Unseen Poetry


So you're sitting in an exam staring at a poem you've never seen before and just as fear and anxiety are about to take over, you remember you know these 5 simple steps to surviving unseen poetry, and soothing relief gently washes over.

The Silver Mirror Test


Chemical reactions can be fascinating, the Tollens' test in particular turn any glassware into a silver mirror! Learn the mechanism of this redox reaction and understand why it can distinguish different organic compounds.

Calculus – Implicit Differentiation


Let's take a look at another topic in Calculus: Steps to help you easily take the implicit derivative of an equation.

Sound Advice – Alliteration, Consonance, and Assonance


Students often overlook how sound as a device can add to the quality of their analysis when writing a commentary essay. Don't let that be you! In this month's blog, learn how to gain the grade you want with sound analysis.

Do we really need Trigonometry?


Students tend to ask the question, do we really need to learn trigonometry when I will not be using it in real life? So, is trigonometry essential to us? Well, yes it is important. In fact, trigonometry is actually used in many areas of our daily lives.
