5 Key Things to Ace Your Admission Interview


The interview is, for many applicants, one of the most stressful steps in the application process. In virtually every other part of the application, you have time to think, consider, re-write, etc., whereas the interview is unpredictable and requires answers to be given immediately. However, being a good interviewee is a skill just like any other – one that you can improve with practice and preparation. Let’s get into some of the key things you can do to ensure that you ace your interview.

The Bernoulli Equation


Perhaps one of the most important laws of the natural world is the law of conservation energy, which in essence states that energy can neither be destroyed nor created. This fundamental principle helped the great Daniel Bernoulli first to deduce a relationship between pressure decrease and the corresponding fluid flow increase.

10 Expert Tips – Paper 1 Language and Literature


Got a 4 and want a 6? Got a 6 and can’t seem to achieve that elusive 7? Grab the examiner’s attention with these 10 expert tips designed to get you that higher score on your Paper 1.

Context! Audience! Purpose! Tackling the IB English B Paper 1


For all you IB English B students out there: Yes, Paper 1 can be hard! Prior to May 2020, the writing paper tasks would give you the text type (e.g. write an article/speech/review) you had to write. However, after the 2020 changes to IB Language B, students must now choose the text type they will use to respond to their chosen writing task.

天能與劍橋– By Karen Lee (Chinese Version Only)


最近上映的一套話題電影 Tenet ,令很多觀眾陷入過去與未來的時間迷宮。電影以天文和數理作藍本,由熱力學中的 entropy 引申到順行與逆行的時間概念,作為理科生的我,當然不會錯過。 坦白說,電影我看了兩次,再惡補網上不同的解讀,反覆推敲後才完全明白劇情的來龍去脈。我不打算在這一一拆解,不過當你自信滿滿以為自己看懂了,相信我, you don't know what you don't know!

Guinea Pigs for Science


Being fluffy and soft makes this friendly rodent, the Guinea pig, one of the more popular household pets. In the scientific community, however, Guinea pigs are used as animal models and are the subject of experiments. Thanks to its physiological similarities to us, in its hearing, immune system and respiratory tract, the Guinea pig makes a valuable model of study in medical and physiological research. Guinea pigs were not always treated as test subjects. They were (and still are) a popular South American food staple.

The Point of the PEEL


Making a great first impression counts. People judge us by what we say, how we say it, and even by the way we write. When it comes to writing essays, the first sentence, the point of our paragraph, says more about our ability to communicate than the entire contents of the paragraph. How do your opening lines come across?

男或女誰說了算?– By Karen Lee (Chinese Version Only)


南非女跑手薩美雅(Caster Semenya)與國際田徑總會(IAAF)之間的角力,最近又再度被關注。瑞士法院於本周二裁定薩美雅的上訴失敗,她必須按照國際田總早前頒布的新例,接受治療以降低體內睾酮素水平(testosterone)至指定濃度5 nmol/L,否則將不能再參加女子田徑賽。

Did the Chicken Come Before the Egg?


Which comes first, the chicken or the egg? This was a question a good friend of mine at Cambridge studied in detail during the Biological Natural Sciences course (and apparently this old-time riddle can be unscrambled with the principles of evolutionary biology). But picking the right course and university is no chicken and egg scenario, […]

看不懂的鯊魚標本、尿兜和罐頭湯 – By Karen Lee (Chinese Version Only)


這是達米恩·赫斯特 (Damien Hirst) 1991年的作品。 這件作品不但被視為 Britart 界的象徵,最後更以800萬美元的高價售出。很多人不明所以,說到底,它只不過是一個用甲醛保存在玻璃箱內的虎鯊標本。有人說這件藝術品最特別之處,可能就是它的名字”The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living”;如果稱呼它為《甲醛鯊魚》,大概不會帶來同樣的迴響。 作為理科生,我在初接觸現代藝術(Modern Art)的時候也有很多疑惑 — 從倫敦TATE看到的Duchamp’s Fountain 《噴泉》(一個橫放的陶瓷尿兜) 到紐約MoMA內Andy Warhol的《金寶湯罐頭》(就是一張又一張不同口味的罐頭湯繪圖》⋯看著看著,心中不禁疑問:天啊這什麼東西,居然還能放在博物館?

Vedic Math


By The Edge Learning Center Vedic Mathematics is an ancient Indian Mathematical system. It was given the name when it was rediscovered from the Vedas (Sacred texts of Hinduism also known as Indian Sankrit texts) during the years 1911—1918 by Sri Bharati Krsna TIrhaji (1884-1960). His research during these years claimed that all mathematics is based […]

Understanding Evolution


By The Edge Learning Center A couple of weeks ago, I was teaching a grade 9 student biology, and specifically evolution. My student was immediately familiar with the most famous scientist associated with the theory of evolution, Charles Darwin. Darwin’s iconic words of “Survival of the fittest”, is perhaps the most well-known scientific statement, whilst remaining […]
