Do British universities neglect extracurriculars?

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Let’s be clear. When it comes to university admissions in the UK, achievement in extracurriculars would never compensate for low academic ability. But if you are considering ditching all your after-school activities, think again. It is true that UK universities are not particularly keen to learn about your non-academic interests – you will be assessed […]

Quarantine Reading for the SAT

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Of all the sections in the SAT, students find the Reading section to not only be the hardest section but also the hardest to make progress on.

Using a normal calculator to do Algebraic Expansion (Part 2)

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By Owen Cheong  (Math, Physics, Chemistry tutor at The Edge Learning Center) In one of my previous articles, I talked about how to use a scientific calculator to perform algebraic manipulation. Please check it here before reading this article. In part 2, I am going to show you how to apply this method in the SAT and ACT […]

5 Key Changes for US Admissions in 2021 with COVID-19


By Emilio Giuliani (Admissions Consultant of The Edge Learning Center) Beyond finding hand sanitizer more frequently in Admission Offices, the global COVID-19 pandemic may have lasting repercussions on how American AdComms handle the admissions process and applicant materials looking forward. While students for the Fall 2020 undergraduate intake are handling canceled exams and extracurriculars, it is […]

How To Handle College Admissions During The Coronavirus Pandemic

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By Duc Luu (Founder and Admissions Consultant of The Edge Learning Center) Given the current worldwide lockdown, I’ve been asked about what steps I think need to be taken to mitigate COVID-19’s impact on the college admissions process. Let me give you a checklist and themes to consider: GPA Some high schools are moving to pass/fail […]

5 Tips on Tackling the SAT Subject Test: Math Level II

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By The Edge Learning Center Many universities require students to submit two or three SAT Subject Test scores in addition to their ACT/SAT scores. Those students who plan to study STEM in the future will often choose to take the Math Level II test. The score range of this test is 200 to 800. Many top […]

Einstein’s Annus Mirabilis

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By The Edge Learning Center As I was teaching SAT Physics, I was reminded of the progress the science has made in the last hundred years. Take the year 1905, Einstein’s Annus Mirabilis. Over the course of a single calendar year Einstein published four ground breaking papers that shook the scientific community. The Photoelectric effect, the […]

Should I Take the SAT Essay?

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By The Edge Learning Center Something our consultants and instructors often get asked about is whether a student should take the Essay portion of the SAT Reasoning Test. This is unsurprising given the scant amount of advice that College Board, the administrator of the SAT, offers in this regard: You don’t have to take the […]

New IB Math Paper 3 – Math Investigation

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By The Edge Learning Center (Published On 2 Jan 2020) Source: math4teaching  Changes in IB Math As some of you may already be aware, the IB Diploma Programme (DP) Maths course has undergone some changes effective from the 2019-2020 academic year. The course will now be broken down into two routes: applied vs. pure (please refer […]

Designing Physics Experiments

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All physics students will have to design experiments at some point in our school lives. Some of us will have to complete in-depth studies, core practicals, or internal assessments that make up large chunks of our final grades, whilst others will have to write exam papers with experimental design questions incorporated into them. Designing experiments […]

IB Math: AA or AI?

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IB Math can be challenging. Here are 4 things to consider before deciding whether you should take AA or AI in a new IB Math curriculum.
