David Tian

Computer Science, US History, SAT, SSAT & IELTS/TOEFL

David is an engaging and highly interactive teacher. You will never find him in a classroom without a smile on his face. David's lessons are always comprehensive, and he ensures that students have a firm grasp of every single concept. 

David Tian was born in Canada and grew up in the United States, where he received a B.A. in East Asian Languages and Civilizations from the University of Chicago. Later on, he received an M.A. in Asian Studies from Georgetown University and an M.A. in Political Science from Johns Hopkins University. Now, David is undertaking an MCIT (Master of Computer and Information Technology) graduate program at an Ivy League university, namely the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn).

Unlike other teachers who have started to study Computer Science at a young age, David made the switch from a humanities field to Computer Science and started his learning online. He first completed the Python for Everybody specialization offered by the University of Michigan on an online learning platform called Coursera. Since then, he has completed certificates in many other fields, including Web Design and SQL, and has no intention of stopping to learn more. He challenged himself to apply to the MCIT (Computer and Information Technology) graduate program at UPenn, and was accepted at the end of 2021. In 2022, he published a book to share his own experience, aiming to help applicants with their admissions essays to the MCIT program.

With 5 years of teaching experience, David has taught the following:

  • IGCSE Computer Science
  • IGCSE US History
  • AP Computer Science Principles
  • AP US History
  • SAT
  • SSAT

David is confident that he can support students in achieving top marks on their next Computer Science and US History exam and maximize their admissions prospects.

David has been editing, revising, and coaching students on their personal statements for undergraduate and/or graduate school admissions essays for over half a decade now, and recently, given the proliferation of Computer Science majors, he has been focusing on individuals who are trying to attend top graduate school in Computer Science.

Blogs written: 

David is also the admissions consultant at The Edge. Click to view his profile.

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