All About Alliteration!

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By Sonali Khemka (Published on 23 July 2018) Alliteration is a literary device that repeats the same sound, usually a consonant, at the start of a series of words or sentences. Though it is frequently used in poetry, it can also be found in prose such as novels or plays. Depending on how alliteration is used […]

IB Business vs. IB Economics

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From the point of view of an IB alumnus who took both Business and Economics at Higher Level By Chris Li (Economics & Business tutor at The Edge Learning Center) Why IB Business? The IB Business syllabus includes the following units: 1) Business Organisation and Environment; 2) Human Resource Management; 3) Finance and Accounts; 4) Marketing; 5) […]

How to Argue: An Introduction to the “Toulmin Method”

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 By Jonathan Wilson (AP/IB History, English Literature and English Language tutor at The Edge Learning Center) Hi everyone. This is Jon again here at The Edge. When I sat down to write my latest blog, I asked myself: “What would be the one topic I could write about that would benefit the most number of students?” It […]

7 Things to Read to Prepare for the SAT and ACT

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Everyone knows that reading is a great way to prepare for any test. When it comes to the SAT and ACT, though, it can be hard where to begin. As it turns out, one good place is here. Right here! These are seven great things you can read to begin improving your test performance. 1. […]

IGCSE Curriculum and Exam Changes

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By Karin Chun Taite (Head of Academics and English Literature tutor at The Edge Learning Center) Goodbye A*s? If anyone is confused about the recent changes to the IGCSE (International GCSE) curricula and grading systems, this exam wiki is a useful website for seeing collected information about the changes across all the main IGCSE exam boards. As […]

IB Biology and IB Chemistry Options

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By Luke Palmer IB Biology With the start of summer, many students are preparing to study their science option topic. For IB Biology there are four choices, (A) Neurobiology and Behaviour, (B) Biotechnology and Informatics, (C) Ecology and Conservation, and (D) Human Physiology. Read more: IB Biology Overview All topic focus into different areas and the […]

Learning the Difference Between WHO and WHOM

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By Levi Busch (Test Preparation (ACT/SAT/SSAT), English Literature at The Edge Learning Center) 1) Technical breakdown of the difference between who and whom Subjects vs. objects 2) Not enough? Trick #1: Him/Her Substitution 3) Still not enough? “Whom” can never perform verbs At the risk of coming across as profoundly out of touch, I must admit that I […]

Do US Boarding Schools give an advantage to Ivy-Caliber Universities Admissions?

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The Ivy League has always been targeted by many college-bound students, and sometimes their parents, for their worldwide prestige, esteemed academic quality, and unparalleled career opportunities. However, as applicants from all over the world are eyeing for a spot in the Ivy League schools, competition to enter these selective universities are becoming fiercer every year. […]

A Comprehensive High School Summer Program Guide

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Summer vacation is a precious opportunity for students to pursue their interests, further their studies, as well as to explore future academic options. In particular, students who are interested in studying overseas would likely spend summers abroad to get a taste of the environment. Many universities in the US offer challenging, insightful, and unique programs […]

Discussion on IB Psychology Command Terms

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By Sonali Khemka (English Literature, English Language, LNAT tutor at The Edge Learning Center) Your success in the IB Psychology examinations will depend mostly on your ability to recognize and fulfill the requirements of the question’s command terms. Some command terms deserve more attention and practice than others, especially those for the Extended Response Questions (ERQs.) Today, we […]

Exploring Math and Physics Internal Assessment Topics

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What is the Internal Assessment (IA)? It is an assessment completed in the school and submitted to IB for moderations. The work is usually about 20% of the Final IB grade. Internally assessed course elements include: Oral work in languages: FOA, IOC Fieldwork in geography Laboratory work in the sciences Investigations in mathematics Artistic Performances […]

Ye Old Timey English: The Stumbling Block for AP and SAT II English

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By Janka Steenkamp (English Literature, Edge Writing, Public Speaking, Drama (IB) tutor at The Edge Learning Center) By now, most of you will have encountered a text that’s got a very lovely old school stamp on it, that makes you wonder how on earth people communicated back then, and why on earth you have to trudge through […]
