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  • Edge Video
  • Everyday Essentials | Knowledge from The Edge #17 English – LITERARY DEVICES (Part 2)

Everyday Essentials | Knowledge from The Edge #17 English – LITERARY DEVICES (Part 2)

The tutors from The Edge Learning Center provide ideas on question-solving skills for subjects. Take the advice to practice in your academics. Take a few minutes to get the tips!

Natasha’s experience and background make her an excellent teacher for the type of students who need to practise articulating their thoughts, debating matters intelligently and developing their analytical skills. Her students will quickly build confidence in their own abilities and develop a mature understanding of their academic subjects in real-world contexts.

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Tel: 2972-2555 (CWB) | 2783-7100 (MK)
Website: www.theedge.com.hk
