Winning the US College Admissions Game

There are many rumors and misconceptions circulating about the US college admissions that applicants often wonder how the Admissions Officers review their applications. To give you a holistic view of how the decision-making process works in the US undergraduate admissions, our former Senior Admissions Consultant, Ally, is here to explain all these 4 steps.

👉Read on the article and find out each step in detail:

About The Edge

The Edge Learning Center is Hong Kong’s premier Test Preparation, Academic Tutoring, and Admissions Consulting services provider. Founded in 2008, The Edge has helped thousands of students improve their ACT and SAT scores as well as their IB and AP grades. The AC team has just finished off another successful period in which student gained acceptance to schools such as Columbia, MIT, University of Chicago, and more! Check out the rest of our 2018-9 Admissions Results!
